Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Long Time No See

I have begun the process of moulding and casting the portion of Ada's head that I will be making the prosthetic for.

After collecting and setting up everything, Julia said I wasn't doing it right, so we started over, using her help. Even with Julia's help, I am not 100% satisfied with the mould itself. Her and I talked that in the future, cold water would help to slow the curing time, allowing us to work the algernate around Ada's face better. Along with this, next time we should use a finer burlap to help the algernate and plaster bandage bond. Otherwise, so far so good! :)

I have also checked and properly compared costs of materials. I am afraid to say it that even with going for the less-costly latex foam, I will struggle to afford it. Next year, it's definitely loan time should I decide I want to continue prosthetics. I plan to order it tomorrow; it will have to go on my credit card and I will have to cry to Daddy.

I missed the prosthetics group tutorial yesterday and plan to attend a tutorial tomorrow with Ce, even though I talked with Paul briefly about what Will is going to tell us.

Earlier today I helped Ada and Hugo with their project making a duct tape dummy, which is something I have done before for costuming. Ahh it was fun.

Tomorrow will be filled with lectures, tutorials, and figuring out how to put Ada's head on a stick and base so I can sculpt over it.